Tome 1
- PAGE DE TITRE (Première image)
- Introduction
- The Compound Microscope
- Objectives
- The Choice of Objectives
- Apochromatic Objectives
- Holoscopic Objectives
- Parachromatic Objectives
- Objectives for Special Purposes
- Magnifying Powers of Objectives
- Eyepieces or Oculars
- Holoscopic Eyepieces, Projection Eyepiece
- Comparator and Angle Eyepieces
- Duplex Eyepiece
- Demonstration Eyepiece
- Nosepieces, various types
- Condensers -- Substage
- Low-power Condensers, Expanding Stop
- Universal Condenser
- Holoscopic and Parachromatic Condensers
- Abbe Condenser and Mounts
- Holoscopic Immersion Paraboloid
- Cassegrain Dark Ground Condenser
- Zonal Dark Ground Condenser, Hanging Drop Slide Condenser Mounts
- Electric Light Attachment
- Diagram of Microscope
- The Construction of Watson Microscopes
- Carriers for Condensers
- Condenser Changers
- Microscope Mirrors
- Mechanical Stages
- Attachable Rackwork Drawtube
- Guarantee of Quality
- Reasons for choosing a Watson Microscope
- The Myral Microscope
- The Kima Microscope
- The Service Microscope
- Physician's Outfit
- The Bactil Microscope
- The Patna Microscope
- Microscopes for Research
- Edinburgh Student's Microscope
- The Research Microscope
- Accessories for Edinburgh Student's and other Microscopes
- Mechanical Stages
- The Royal Microscope
- The Royal Microscope, suggested General Outfit
- The Van Heurck Microscope
- Ultra-Violet Light Microscope Equipment
- The Horizontal Microscope
- The Ramsden Micrograph
- The Horizontal Reading Microscope
- The Vernier Microscope
- The Museum Microscope, patterns 1 & 2
- The Museum Microscope, pattern 3
- The Club Portable Microscope
- The McArthur Portable Microscope
- Wenham Binocular Body
- The Universal Binocular Body
- The Inclining Unit
- The Sir Herbert Jackson Tube Length Corrector
- Greenough Binocular Microscopes, pattern 3
- Greenough Binocular Microscope, pattern 4, Inclined
- Low-power Dissecting Binocular Microscope
- Long Arm Stand
- Accessory Stage
- INDEX -- Part I
- A
- Abbe Illuminator
- Alpha Mechanical Stage
- Amateur's Outfit
- Angle Eyepiece
- Apochromatic Objectives
- Attachable Mechanical Stages
- Bactil Microscope
- Bell-glass Covers
- Binocular Eyepiece -- High Power
- Binocular High Power Microscope
- Binocular Microscope -- Wenham
- Business Terms
- Cables
- Carriage
- Cassegrain Dark Ground Illuminator
- Centring Nosepiece
- Club Portable Microscope
- Coarse Adjustment
- Codes
- Colour Filters
- Comparator Eyepiece
- Compound Substage
- Condenser, Abbe Illuminator
- Condenser, Carriers described
- Condenser, Changers
- Condenser, Holoscopic Oil Immersion
- Condenser, Parachromatic
- Condensers, Aplanatic Low-power
- Condensers, Quartz
- Condensers, Slides
- Condensers, Substage
- Condensers, Tabulated
- Cover Glass Corrector
- Dark Ground Illuminators
- Dark Ground Stops
- Davis's Shutter
- Dissecting Microscopes
- Dissecting Stage
- Drawtube, Mechanical
- Duplex Eyepieces
- Edinburgh Student's Microscope -- Fittings for
- Edinburgh Student's Microscope
- Eisenberg Hanging Drop Slide
- Electric Light Attachment
- Expanding Stop
- Eyepiece, High Power Binocular
- Eyepiece, Angle
- Eyepieces, Duplex
- Eyepieces, Holoscopic
- Eyepieces, Huyghenian
- Eyepieces, for Micrometer
- Eyepieces, Projection
- Eyepieces, Quartz
- Field Portable Microscope
- Fine Adjustment
- Fluorescent Screens
- Greenough Binocular
- Guarantee
- Hanging Drop Slide
- High Power Binocular Microscope
- Holoscopic Condenser
- Holoscopic Eyepieces
- Holoscopic Immersion Paraboloid
- Holoscopic Objectives
- Horizontal Microscope
- Horizontal Microscope
- Huyghenian Eyepieces
- Immersion Oil
- Inclining Unit
- Iris Diaphragm for Nosepiece
- Kima Microscope
- Long Arm Stand
- Low-power Binocular
- Macro Illuminator
- Magnification Table
- Mechanical Stages
- Mechanical Stages, Alpha
- Mechanical Stages, Service
- Mechanical Stages, Student's
- Micrometer Eyepieces
- Microscope, Bactil
- Microscope, Diagram of
- Microscope, Edinburgh Student's
- Microscope, Field Portable
- Microscope, Greenough
- Microscope, Horizontal
- Microscope, Horizontal
- Microscope, Kima
- Microscope, Low-power Binocular
- Microscope, McArthur Watson Portable
- Microscope, Museum
- Microscope, Myral
- Microscope, Patna
- Microscope, Portable
- Microscope, Reading
- Microscope, Research
- Microscope, Royal
- Microscope, Van Heurck described
- Microscope, Van Heurck Grand Model
- Microscope, Vernier
- Microscopes, Dissecting
- Microscopes, Principle of Construction
- Murray's Long Range Stage
- Museum Microscope
- Myral Microscope
- Nelson's Dark Ground Illuminator
- Nosepieces, Centring
- Nosepieces, Rotating
- Objective Changers
- Objectives
- Objectives Apochromatic
- Objectives Argus
- Objectives Holoscopic
- Objectives Parachromatic
- Objectives Quartz
- Objectives Tank
- Objectives Variable Power
- Oil Immersion Condenser
- Optical Bench
- Packing
- Paraboloid
- Parachromatic Condenser
- Parachromatic Objectives
- Patna Microscope
- Payment
- Photo-micrographic Objectives
- Portable Microscope
- Projection Eyepiece
- Quartz Condensers
- Quartz Eyepieces
- Quartz Objectives
- Quartz Slips and Covers
- Rackwork Drawtube
- Ramsden Micrograph
- Reading Microscope
- Research Outfits
- Research Microscope
- Research Substage
- Rotating Stage
- Royal Microscope
- Royal Outfit
- Scale Reading Microscopes
- Service Mechanical Stage
- Service Microscope
- Shipment
- Sir Herbert Jackson Corrector
- Spot Lens
- Stage Rotating
- Stage Standard Mechanical
- Stages
- Stages Murray's Long Range
- Stages Student's
- Substage Mount
- Tank Objectives
- Tube Length Corrector
- Ultra-Violet Light
- Underfitting with Spiral Focussing Screw
- Universal Binocular
- Universal Condenser
- Van Heurck Grand Model
- B
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- E
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- P
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- U-V
- Dernière image
Tome 2
- Première image
- INDEX - Part 2
- A
- Abbe Camera Lucida
- Agar
- Aldis Epidiascope
- Analyser Eyepiece
- Aplanatic Magnifiers
- Beale's Reflector
- Bell's Cement
- Bile
- Binocular Glasses
- Blood Serum
- Blood Testing Apparatus
- Blow Pipe
- Bone Forceps
- Books
- Bordet's Medium
- Borrodailes Needles
- Botterill's Troughs
- Broth
- Brushes Ringing
- Buff Blocks
- Bull's Eye Condensers
- Burroughs Wellcome Stains
- Cambridge Microtomes
- Camera Eyepiece
- Camera Lucidas
- Camera Sayce-Watson
- Cameras
- Canada Balsam
- Cantab Dissecting Stand
- Canvas Roll
- Cathcart Microtomes
- Cathcart-Darlaston Microtome
- Cavity Slides
- Cedar Wood Oil
- Celloidin
- Celloidin Solution
- Cell Rings
- Chain Hooks
- Chambers Micro-manipulator
- Chance-Watson Filters
- Clips, Spring Wire
- Clove Oil
- Coles Section Knife
- Collecting Stick
- Condensers, Stand
- Counting Chambers
- Cover Glasses
- Cover Glasses, Plane
- Culture Media
- Dammar
- Darlaston's Section Cutter
- Dean's Medium
- Dichroiscopes
- Dissecting Instruments
- Dissecting Instruments Sets
- Dissecting Lens Holders
- Dissecting Microscopes
- Dissection Apparatus
- Drawing Eyepiece
- Drawing Prism
- Drawing Table
- Dyes
- Ehrlich's Eyepiece
- Elder Pith
- Electric Lamps
- Epidiascope
- Equipment for Micro-projection
- Erector, Porro Prism
- Euparal
- Eyepiece, Camera
- Eyepiece, Drawing
- Eyepiece, Watching
- Eyepiece Micrometers
- Farrants Medium
- Flemming's Solution
- Forceps
- Forceps Bone
- Forceps Hand
- Forceps Stage
- Gelatin, Nutrient
- Gem Refractometer
- Glass Troughs
- Glycerine Jelly
- Gold Size
- Goniometer Eyepiece
- Gum Syrup
- Haemacytometers
- Haemaglobinometers
- Heating Stages
- Holostigmat Lenses
- Hyrax
- Illuminators, Vertical
- Insect Holder
- Iodine
- Lamps, Electric
- Lamps, Oil
- Lamp, Mercury, Vapour
- Lenses, Holostigmat
- Lens-Prism
- Light Filter Carriers
- Light Filters
- Life Cells
- Macrograph, Substage
- Magnifier Holder
- Magnifiers
- Marine Glue
- Meat Medium
- Mercury Vapour Lamp
- Mica for Mounting
- Mica Selenite Stage
- Micro-manipulator, Chambers
- Micrometer Rule
- Micrometers, Eyepiece
- Micrometers, Stage
- Micro-projector
- Micro-Projection Equipment
- Microscopes, Dissecting
- Microscopic Objects
- Micro-Spectroscopes
- Microtomes
- Microtome Accessories
- Milk Media
- Moist Chamber
- Mounting Cabinets
- Mounting Materials
- Mounting Media
- Needle Holder
- Needles
- Nelson's Bull's Eye
- Object Boxes
- Object Cabinets
- Objects for the Microscope
- Oil of Cloves
- Oil Lamps
- Osmic Acid
- Parabolic Reflector
- Paraffin Wax
- Peptone Water
- Photomicrographs
- Pinhole Eyepiece
- Pipettes, Blood
- Plane Irons
- Pocket Spectroscopes
- Polarisers & Analysers
- Pond Collecting Stick
- Porro Prism Erector
- Premier Camera
- Prism Reflector
- Projection Prism
- Projector, Micro
- Publications
- Razors
- Reagents
- Refractometers
- Reversible Compressor
- Rheinberg's Discs
- Rousselet Compressor
- Rousselet Live Box
- Rings, Mounting
- Sayce-Watson Camera
- Scalpels
- School Micro-projector
- Schultz Solution
- Scop Condenser
- Section Knives
- Section Lifter
- Selenite Stage
- Selenites
- Side Silver Reflectors
- Simplex Dissecting Microscope
- Slide Boxes
- Slide Cabinets
- Slides 3 × 1, etc.
- Slips, Mounting
- Soloid Stains
- Spectroscopes
- Speera Binocular Magnifiers
- Stage Condensers
- Stage Forceps
- Stage Tilting
- Stages Heating
- Stainless Steel Mirror
- Stains
- Stand Condensers
- Standard Oil Lamp
- Stereophotomicrographic Stage
- Sterilized Tubes & Phials
- Strops
- Styrax
- Substage Macrograph
- Telescopes
- Tilting Stage
- Troughs
- Turntables
- Universal Dissecting Microscope
- Vertical Illuminator Combined
- Vertical Illuminators
- Vertical Illuminator, Watson Conrady
- Watching Eyepiece
- Watson Conrady Stan Condenser
- Watson Conrady Vertical Illuminator
- Zinc White Cement
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- Dernière image